"Is Your Income Hanging By a Thread?" Are you constantly saying to yourself: "I NEED To Find A Way To Make Money NOW!". Well, Opportunity is Knocking...
I'm not going to tell you what YOUR NEW BUSINESS is because it doesn't matter.
What matters is whether or not you are ready to take total responsibility for your life and finances from now on.
If you are ready then ANY business will work for you. But here, all you have to do is follow the blueprint, work it and produce the results you want.
If you aren't ready... Then even the best business in the world won't work for you.
One of the problems that a lot of my readers have, is the time it usually takes for web 2.0 procedures to be finished.
The big concern is this: There are only so many hours in the day. Going through the process of creating accounts, confirming emails, entering captcha codes, uploading content, submitting to rss feeds... ALL OF THAT TAKES TIME!! And a lot of it!
We all know that "repeating the process for every keyword is our ticket to success", but thattakes A LOT OF MAN HOURS. Won't it be really nice if there was a device you could possibly use that possibly can do ALL of it for you? Well... There is!!
I've been using a product called SEnuke for the past couple of months and it's (quite frankly) amazing!!
Here are some of the things it does:-
1. Creates Gmail accounts robotically.
2. Will register new accounts at web 2.0 sites routinely.
3. Verifies emails from all sites robotically.
4. Will upload your content automatically.
5. Submits to rss feeds automatically.
6. Uploads videos automatically.
7. Will bookmark your content routinely.
...And what could probably it's best feature? It enters ALL captcha codes for you!
So you can literally click "Create accounts" and take a coffee break and return later on and it's been done for you. Mind-blowing!
Same easy, no-effort thing when you click the "upload content" button... and once more when you click the "bookmark it all" button. And no surprises again when you click the "upload video" button.
...And Guess What? Yeah, you guessed it... same thing with clicking the "submit rss feeds" button.
Hey, my friend just go back and read that list all over again and let it gradually sink in. Are you whispering the words B.S.? I can't blame you but I have been using it for a while now and can confirm EVERYTHING THE CREATORS SAY IS TRUE!
OK, Sam D. Mann, how about some Negatives...
Well let's see, It does not write your content for you... And it doesn't bring toasted sandwiches with your coffee!!
Just joking about the sandwiches.. but as you can see, it is not perfect. Heck, I'd never advise using machine generated content anyway. But it does just about everything else!
More often than not, I can get a whole campaign for one keyword done in around an hour or so from start to finish!
So, once you get the hang of using it, you too will be able to complete campaigns just as well. Can you imagine how much more productive you will be?
Instead of getting "one keyword campaign" done per day, you could possibly get 7-8 done. Your competitors likely do not know about this tool, and for goodness sake don't tell them!!
Just go sign up and begin using it for yourself. Take the plunge and GO SIGN UP NOW for your free trial of SEnuke!
Please realize: Using this tool will totally blow away your competitors and perk up your bottom line like no other tool will.
A couple of tips for you when using SEnuke (this probably won't make any sense until you have registered and watched their training videos).
Ensure you spin the domain, titles, and usernames.
Try repeating a campaign on alternate days for the same keyword. This will strengthen your rankings further.
Rotate anchor text and destination urls as well.
Don't use the same anchor text and destination URL.
This is all really straightforward to do. As I said above, this will only make sense after you register for your FREE 7-day trial and begin USING it.
Now, why on earth are you still reading this, STOP... GO SIGN UP NOW for your free trial of SEnuke!
Before you dart off, I have some IMPORTANT TIPS for you...
1. Sign up for the PRO edition reason being the Lite edition is just about useless and is awfully handicapped (sorry but I have to be honest here).
2. Pay no heed to the "upsells" and simply take the 7 day trial.
3. As soon as you have registered, GET TO WORK, and make the most out of your trial.
Don't overlook this point... Here's a great tool will not cost you a cent to test for yourself. You will want to stay on after the trial because of the leverage this tool will give you. There is even an option to "vote" on features you want in the software. One of the current votes is for automated 3-way links. Fascinating... Which indicates you can help form the long term direction of the software.
GO SIGN UP NOW for your FREE 7-DAY trial of SEnuke!
Go here to read my full review of SEnuke
That is it for the moment. Mucho success!!
Sam D. Mann
Now then, here's a good article for you to read. Penned by one of my many Guest Authors...
SEO Is The Key To Generate Online Business
SEO or search engine optimisation is the optimisation of a website to get it higher up in the search engines. Search engines such as Google, Yahoo or MSN allow people to look for websites using a search query. Google is the market leader in popularity taking 80% of the market's share. It is for this reason SEO on Google needs to take priority as if you are a business that gets new work though the search engines then it is vital that people can find you.
What keywords you choose with SEO are the most important factor since this is how people will find you. Firstly you need to look at keywords that are relevant to your industry. What search queries might people use to purchase the products or services on your site? Secondly you need to look at the popularity or how often a keyword is searched for. This can easy be found using the many keywords tools available, Google do a free one called the Google keyword tool that is available for anybody to use.
Keywords are a vital component of SEO since optimisation is keyword specific. At the start it is better to optimize a site for three or four keywords, before more are then chosen. It is the traffic from these keywords that determine new business generation on site, so this factor needs to take the most time. It is possible to optimise a site for any keyword with any popularity. The most competitive keywords will take the most budget but generally they are the ones with greatest commercial value.
If you are using and SEO company to do your search engine optimisation, you need to ask them if they will get you to the first page for your chosen keywords. Certainly with Google 90% of internet users do not get past the first page, so if your site is not here you could be wasting allot of money for non effective SEO. It is the top four or five positions that get the most traffic, so it is these positions you want to aim at.
To be at the top of Google not only gives you traffic but also gives your company credibility. People trust Google, now a house hold name, to deliver search results related to a query. To be at the top of Google makes your company more reputable. That is if Google is recommending you, you must be able to provide what they are looking for. Also if you are trusted by Google to be at the top of the search results, then you are a strong, reputable company.
If you have an online presence and generate sales online, it is vital that you are at the top of Google for related, competitive keywords in your niche. This will not only give you visibility to a large proportion of the market, but also gives your company credibility. These factors are vital when it comes to new business generation online. If you are using an SEO company, make sure you check with them if they offer this service, otherwise you could be wasting a lot of money.
About the Author:
Sam D. Mann here with a Quick Tip Of The Day -
Nothing beats being ready to:
1. Determine profitable search terms (Using Buyers keywords).
2. Launch mini sites based mostly on the given keyword phrases.
3. Rank in Google and all the alternative search engines for those keyword phrases.
4. Convert your traffic into revenue.
Every one of the steps listed heretofore is vitally significant to doing well on-line and can ultimately determine how much money you'll earn. Understanding and identifying profitable search terms should be the beginning purpose of your business.
Be familiar with this: Individuals which misunderstand or ignore any of the above points finish up annoyed and not bringing in any money. Generally speaking, ignoring those points leads to the down fall of numerous would-be successful Internet marketers.
Final point. Always ask yourself:
Can I drive traffic to this market?
Can this traffic translate in affiliate sales or AdSense clicks?
What is the worth of a conversion? More Tips can be found at Affiliate Marketing Strategies Tips and Tools
SEO Tip Of The Day.
When your think your site is ready for the eyes of the world then submit it to Google, Yahoo, MSN and ASK.com. You should also consider submittíng to other search engines. However, bear in mind that most of them are powered by these four leading search engines. Also submít your site to reputable high PR web directories, open directories and social bookmarking sites such as del.icio.us, furl, etc.
My thoughts for today...
The longer and more confusing a sentence is, the less power it has. Short, clear, concise sentences penetrate the brain.
Another great site for you to visit and read some great articles on...
Internet Marketing Marketing Strategies Tips And Tools
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