Many good Internet Marketing products have been launched in recent times. The techniques they talk about definitely work, I can vouch for that. BUT... most of them suffer from one major problem. They require you to work hard - write a dozen articles, create squeeze pages, spend a fortune on PPC, make unlimited Web 2.0 submissions, optimize your websites for search engines, do all kinds of technical stuff, etc., etc., etc... Well, all this does work. But no one has the time and money to implement any of these techniques. The rigors of today's life does not permit newcomers to devote the kind of time and investment required by these techniques.
One of the drawbacks that a lot of my readers have, is the time it generally takes for web 2.0 campaigns to be finished.
The big problem is this: There are just so many hours in the day. Going thru the procedure of creating accounts, confirming emails, entering captcha codes, uploading content, submitting to rss feeds... ALL OF THAT TAKES TIME!! And a lot of it!
We all know that "repeating the process for every keyword is our ticket to success", but doing sotakes A LOT OF MAN HOURS. Wouldn't it be really nice if there was a tool you could use that would do ALL of it for you? Well... There is!!
I have been using a product called SEnuke for the past couple of months and it is (quite honestly) amazing!!
Here are some of the things it does:-
1. Will create Gmail accounts routinely.
2. Will register new accounts at web 2.0 sites automatically.
3. Verifies emails from all sites automatically.
4. Uploads content routinely.
5. Submits to rss feeds automatically.
6. Uploads videos routinely.
7. Will bookmark your content automatically.
...And what could possibly the best feature? It enters ALL captcha codes for you!
So you can simply click "Create accounts" and walk away and return afterward and your work's been finished for you. Amazing!
Same easy, no-effort thing when you click the "upload content" button... and once more when you click the "bookmark it all" button. And no surprises again when you click the "upload video" button.
...And Guess What? Yeah, you guessed it... same thing when you click the "submit rss feeds" button.
Yeah, my friend just do a re-run and read that list again and let it gradually sink in. Are you saying WOW? I don't blame you but I have been using it for a while now and can confirm EVERYTHING THEY SAY IS TRUE!
OK, Sam D. Mann, how about some Negatives...
Well let us see, It does not write your content for you... And it doesn't bring toasted sandwiches with your coffee!!
Just joking about the sandwiches.. but as you can see, it is not perfect. Heck, I'd never propose using machine generated content anyway. But it does just about everything else!
Generally speaking, I can get a complete campaign for one keyword done in about an hour or so from start to finish!
So, once you know how to use SEnuke, you too will be able to do it just as well. Can you imagine how much more productive you will be?
Instead of getting "one keyword campaign" done per day, you could possibly get 7-8 done. Your competitors likely do not know about this tool, and for goodness sake don't tell them!!
Just go sign up and start using it for yourself. Take the plunge and GO SIGN UP NOW for your free trial of SEnuke!
Please appreciate: Using this tool will utterly blow away your competitors and improve your bottom line like no other tool will.
A couple of pointers for you when using SEnuke (this probably won't make any sense until you have registered and watched their training videos).
Ensure you spin the domain, titles, and usernames.
Try repeating a campaign on alternate days for the same keyword. This will build up your rankings further.
Rotate anchor text and destination urls as well.
Do not use the same anchor text and destination URL.
This is all really simple to do. As I said above, this may only make sense after you sign up for your FREE 7-day trial and begin USING it.
Now, why on earth are you still reading this, STOP... GO SIGN UP NOW for your free trial of SEnuke!
Before you sprint off, I have some IMPORTANT TIPS for you...
1. Register for the PRO edition because the Lite version is virtually useless and is horribly crippled (sorry I am just being frank here).
2. Ignore the "upsells" and simply take the 7 day trial.
3. Waste no time after you have signed up, GET TO WORK, and make the most out of your trial.
Do not ignore this tip... Here is a valuable set of tools wouldn't cost you a dime to test for yourself. You'll want to stay on after the trial because of the control this tool will give you. There is even an opportunity to "vote" on features you fancy in the software. One of the current votes is for automated 3-way links. Interesting... And that indicates you can help sculpt the long term course of the software.
GO SIGN UP NOW for your FREE 7-DAY trial of SEnuke!
Go here to read my full review of SEnuke
That's all for the time being. Enjoy life!!
Sam D. Mann
Now then, here's a great post for you to read. Submitted by one of my many Guest Authors...
Marketing Your Business With Search Engine Optimization
You may not realize how link building a building block of search engine optimization can help you promote your website. Links are areas on a web page where viewers can click and travel directly to a second separate web page. Direct navigation means that people will not spend time on search engines trying to find your site and this is often why they are a preferred method of navigating the Internet.
When the right people click on links to your website, they are more inclined to purchase your products or services and this is the secret of how links can help improve the amount of traffic to your site. Link building also has the added benefit of helping to increase your search engine ranking, since many search engines take links into account when they are deciding how high your site will rank. However, it is as much the quality of the links as the number that you have.
One of the first things you can do is to put articles on other websites that link back to your site. Whether you choose GoArticles, About.com or even EZine.com, is not important. The key is to use well-written articles that directly relate to your products or services. People will read the articles and click on the links. Articles are great because they allow you to bring in targeted traffic that is more likely to purchase your products or book your services. You can also use blogs, press releases, and news stories as a way to get people to click on your site. This is great because again, it is targeted traffic.
You also need to think about allowing other sites to link with yours in return for allowing you to place your links. If you place links to complimentary sites on your website you can again increase targeted traffic for you and for the other site. By choosing sites that are popular you may get more attention to your site since links to those popular sites may have good results when it comes to search engine results and you may get some increased traffic as a result.
Social networking sites are a great way to accomplish link building quickly and easily. Studies have shown that many consumers are using sites like Facebook in order to make their purchasing decisions. By using these sites you can generate links that will get you high-quality traffic to your site.
People are amazed at just how quickly traffic to your website will increase once you begin to build high quality links as part of a search engine optimization campaign. If you make sure that you do it in such a way that you are being careful about where your links end up and place them properly you may be amazed at how quickly your site can start getting increased traffic flow.
About the Author:
Sam D. Mann here with a Great Tip Of The Day -
Nothing beats being ready to:
1. Identify profitable search terms (Using Buyers keywords).
2. Launch mini sites primarily based on the given keyword phrases.
3. Rank in Google and all the other search engines for those keyword phrases.
4. Convert your traffic into revenue.
Every one of the steps listed heretofore is vitally important to doing well online and will ultimately determine how much cash you'll make. Understanding and identifying profitable search terms ought to be the starting purpose of your business.
Understand this: Individuals that misunderstand or ignore any of the above points finish up frustrated and not making any money. Generally speaking, ignoring those points results in the down fall of many would-be successful Internet marketers.
Final point. Always ask yourself:
Can I drive traffic to this market?
Can this traffic translate into affiliate sales or AdSense clicks?
What is the value of a conversion? More Tips can be found at Affiliate Marketing Strategies Tips and Tools
SEO Tip Of The Day.
If your site contains dynamic pages (i.e., the URL contains a "?" character), make sure you use SEO friendly URLs. Search engine spiders have difficulty indexing dynamic pages.
My thoughts for today...
Maybe you're already sitting on a gold mine but do not recognize it! Take a look around you. Every coin has 2 sides. Have you ever thought that misfortune could be good fortune in disguise!
Another great web site for you to visit and read some great articles on...
Internet Marketing Marketing Strategies Tips And Tools
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